
There is a way to develop software more quickly and at lower cost.

Jabatix is a component-based solution. Blueprints describing processes based on standardised, individual components/services are available for financial accounting, bank capital management and reporting. Individual, bespoke solutions can be quickly designed since alternative components/services are readily available.

Functional documentation library

We provide the features, interfaces and capabilities of Jabatix and information on how to apply them.

Functional documentation library

API library

In the Jabatix API library, you will find everything you need to know about our API, including information on how to interact with Jabatix.

API library

Template program

Download our „Hello World“ program as a Postman collection.

Want to try it out?

Go to our registration page to get your authorisation credentials. Once you have registered you can try out the API library from the swagger front-end or download a Postman collection.

Have a look without registration!

FlexFinance: Ready to go
Jabatix is also available as a complete turnkey solution: FlexFinance. Please click here for more information.
For a deep dive into our solution, please check out our online documentation.